RNA - Genetherapys

The 2024 CICAP Fest Press Review Shares the Scientific Possibilities of the National Center

Padua, 18 October 2024 – The first press review of the 2024 CICAP Fest took place in the charming Sala Verde of Caffè Pedrocchi of Padua on Friday 11 October. Moving beyond traditional formats, the press review saw the participation of journalists Roberta Villa and Marco Ferrari, and social media influencer Marco Martinelli (aka marcoilgiallino).  Undertaking a critical reflection of current events among about 20 guests immersed in stimulating discussions and debate, the press review transformed into an entertaining performance for all those involved. Supported by Fondazione MSD, the day emphasized one of the key components of the annually held CICAP Fest, which is to cultivate the relationship between science and the media.

Biologist and journalist, Marco Ferrari stressed the importance of rigorous control over the dissemination of scientific information and results, especially in terms of media outlets giving space to those without a solid scientific background. “Fact-checking is essential,” reiterated Ferrari, adding, “The role of the media is to ensure that scientific dissemination is accurate and accessible.”

With a career that has ranged from research in psychopharmacology to journalism, Marco Ferrari brought his experience as a science communicator and author of numerous scientific books including his latest publication Come costruire un alieno to the forefront. Accompanying Ferrari to the stage was veteran journalist Roberta Villa, who holds a doctorate in medicine and surgery, and who has worked for over twenty years with Corriere della Sera, is an accomplished author including “Vaccini, il diritto di (non) avere paura and several other books on public health.  Villa emphasized the importance of bringing attention to current events within the scientific community by providing readers with a clear path to facts in an increasingly complex world.

Establishing an even more dynamic environment was Marco Martinelli, a scientific communicator and television host, also known for featuring his eccentric experiments on TikTok. Donning a waiter’s uniform, Martinelli’s positive energy immediately won over the audience. His creative approach encouraged the active participation of all while continually stimulating lively debates, making the meeting not only informative but also fun.

Turning to current events, the press review discussed the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Medicine for studies on microRNAs. Roberta Villa explained how these small fragments of RNA, discovered in the 1990s, have revolutionized the understanding of gene regulation. “Not all DNA is transcribed, and not all RNA is translated,” Villa elicited, adding that microRNAs play a crucial role in modulating gene expression, with applications ranging from early diagnosis of tumors to therapies for rare diseases.

In addition to discussions on microRNAs, the review also addressed current issues regarding scientific research in Italy. The National Center received noted praise as one of Italy’s most significant projects.  Funded with 320 million euros under the Next Generation EU program of the NRRP, this complex project involves 32 universities and 14 private companies that collaborate in research activities for various diseases and collectively aim to develop new genetic technologies and treatments.

Noting that nothing worthwhile is without risk, the discussion turned to the project’s eventual expiration date of 31 Oct 2025 when the European funding ceases to support the important research.  Therefore, the future sustainability of the National Center relies on procuring alternative avenues of funding.

“The experiments underway, the platforms to be completed, all the work of these years are at risk of going up in smoke” – the journalist concludes. It remains true that the goals achieved by the various groups should favor financing mechanisms that allow their autonomy and sustainability, but the short time remaining does not play in favor of the project.

Villa states, “New resources must arrive from the public or private to complete the transition to the phase in which the various structures will be able to stand on their own. Letting this work go to waste would be an enormous waste of money, time, and effort. Diminishing the hopes of motivated researchers, critically ill patients, and distressed families, the discontinuation of the National Center would cast an unforgivable misstep for the Italian biomedical research sector.  In addition to its intellectual capacity and vivacity, the National Center has the possibility of bringing Italy out from under its critical and historic lack of funding in this field and giving rise to new productive realities of excellence.”

The Nobel Prize Press Release: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2024/press-release/

English version Ellen Jane Corcoran

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